Planets Training Course

How the Planets Shape our Health

“I highly recommend this course to anyone who wishes to better understand how far interconnection really goes.” – student testimonial

Whether we’re conscious of it or not, all of the planets in our Solar System have a constant influence on us, every day of our lives. This influence ebbs and flows in regular cycles. Some people are very in tune with how this affects their cycles and their moods, but awareness among the general population is also growing.

To reflect and assist in this growing awareness, I have been teaching this two-session course since 1999 to reflexologists and other therapists with the most amazing and revealing results.

These two days have helped therapists to better interpret the complexities of human disease and human psychology and to understand how to apply that skill and knowledge in their practices.


What’s Involved

The teaching will demonstrate how each of the seven major planets of the alchemical tradition affects specific bodily organs and relates to human health in repeating patterns throughout life. This knowledge can add valuable information to the case-taking process and shed extra light on our clients’ conditions and progress.

As natural therapists, this knowledge enables us to understand why certain people are prone to specific ailments and to accurately predict whether their conditions represent simply a passing phase or something more permanent.

By using this method of predicting health patterns, a therapist can work with the body as it enters a new cycle and understand more clearly where the client’s energy needs to be directed. All that is needed is a date of birth.

Why you should take this course

This course will be relevant to your practice and for own personal development

It will also be revealing – providing possible solutions to those imponderable questions for your clients and even yourself

Exciting, inspiring and fun, ‘How the Planets Shape our Health’ will make you realise that we are not alone in the universe and that there is an incredible interaction between humankind and the cosmos.


Summary of Course Content

Day 1 includes the following: –

  • The Interconnection of Everything
  • Interpretation of ‘As Above so Below’
  • The History of Planetary Alchemy
  • The Planets as Gods
  • Moon and Sun influence
  • The Connection with our own Energy Centres
  • Examining the Qualities of each Planet
  • Constitutional Planets and Secondary Planets
  • Seven-year Cycles
  • Cycles within Cycles
  • How to Read the Planetary Hours Chart

Homework – find out your story – come back with details of your past – what your constitutional planet details are.

Day 2 includes the following: –

  • Recap on Planetary Hours
  • What’s Best to Do on each Day
  • Professions
  • Looking at combinations.
  • More detail on each Constitutional and Secondary planet
  • How to Improve your Case Taking
  • Prognosis and Pattern Prediction
  • The Influence of the Outer planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
  • Reading the planetary charts for others
  • How this Fits in with your Energy Medicine Work


How the Planets Shape our Health


What other students have said:

“This is so fascinating and so invaluable in my case taking procedure!”

“I found out so much about myself, about why my past has led me to this point today!  It’s quite spooky how accurate it all is!”

“Lee’s unique style of teaching brings this awesome subject to life and is super-relevant in my everyday practice!”

“I spend so much time telling all my clients about how connected we all are – this course is living proof!”

“Definitely a lovely experience attending your class. Thank you for assembling the information and presenting it in a format that resonated and made tremendous sense to me.”

“I have always been a believer in the influences of the outer realm on our inner realm and this workshop really brought that idea home to me and organized it in a tangible way. Lee is a born teacher and took care to make sure the concepts covered landed for all of the students involved. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wishes to better understand how far interconnection really goes.”